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IM ALL FOR 0BAMA!! =] inf0o0: cherishh is the name, m0shingz thee game.. im me and that's all. ima pretty quiet person. im quit shyy. kehe.. there are times when i can be annoying and loud. that's when im hyper. =] playing the guitar is what i do. i love it. i love hangin with "da krew" they r0ckk and are hella funii. i always have thee best time with them. they do some prettyy krazy stuff. i love my friends.. i'd be nothing without them. im in love with thee most amazing guy everr. he makes me smile, laugh, blush and many more wonderful things. im so lucky to have him in my life. ♥ i gave my heart to him. and he's had it for along time. i dont plan on getting it bakk because it's his forever. F.Y.I he's my hubby bruce <3 tryy n0t to judge mee.. im 0nly human.. =]

FACE-OFF (2 canidates. three Big issues)

Barak Obama (democrat) vs. John McCain (republican). The election for a new Prez is on November 4th. In about two weeks the U.S will choose who they believe is the best for running our country.
Many people are concerned and scared about thee future. Banks and many other businesses are short on cash. U.S troops are in Irag and Afghanistan fighting thee war. Gas prices are ridiculously rising. People are concerned about the fuel in their cars. How will they get here to there? How will they heat their homes during the winters? Voters will be thinking BIG on Election Day when they choose the next president for our country.
People, especially in Ohio, are worried that they’ll lose their homes and jobs. They also say that they don’t want a president who’ll make them pay more taxes because they won’t be able to pay without having a job. The two candidates have different views and each have different plans for thee U.S. Only one can change it. Obama or McCain?? Both candidates have almost the same amount of support from Ohio. Who will win Ohio on Election Day?
The voters’ top concerns are the troops, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama says he’ll pull more troops out of Iraq within 18 months to end the war quickly. The 5 1/2 year-old war is costing to much money. $648 billion have been used for the war so far. More than 4,180 troops have lost their lives. McCain says he doesn’t like the war either. But he thinks that the troops should stay in Iraq longer, until the new government and military in Iraq are strong enough to stop the insurgents who are fighting them.
The conditions in Iraq are improving says U.S Secretary Defense, Robert Gates. But the violence is increasing in Afghanistan.
U.S citizens are also worried about Iran, and their development on nuclear programs. The leaders of Iran say that they want nuclear energy not nuclear weapons. U.S officials don’t believe them. Obama and McCain both have different views of how to handle it. Obama says he’ll talk to the leaders of Iran. McCain doesn’t say much. He just thinks that “face to face” talks show that the U.S is weak and it would empower Iran. hmmm?? I disagree.
Oil is turned into gasoline to run vehicles and also to heat homes. When oil supplies run low because of wars and other disputes the gas prices rise. Both candidates want to change that but once again disagree on how to do it.
If I was old enough to vote….

I’m all for OBAMA!!! =]


  1. DUh!! OBAMA!!! im with you on that! keh. mccain is jus a nther a** like bush. ughh. he pretty much went along with him on everything. no mind of his own. OBAMa is for the ppl and wat the ppl need. so hmmm my vote goes to MR OBAMA! [+] hes hotter. lol. jk!

  2. I know who going to win the election... Obama. Also to me, Obama sound like a really nice person to hang out with. If McCain gets elected, were all doomed for the next 4 years. So who ever voting for Obama, I am with them.
